Hey! Wes here. This course has been deprecated. While the ideas behind redux in the course are still valid,the React syntax used is outdated. I don't have plans to re-record this, but instead release some more React content. Stay tuned!
20 video tutorials to help you learn how to build JavaScript apps with React.js and Redux.
In 2.5 hours, You'll build 'Reduxstagram' — a simple photo app that will simplify the core ideas behind Redux, React Router and React.js
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Mind showing some love? — I've spent over 100 hours producing this series and it would mean the world if you helped others know about it.
A short 20 video / 2.5 hour course intended as a next steps for someone already comfortable with React. This is a start-to-finish course that will teach you React.js, Redux and React Router.
It's the perfect course to take after React For Beginners.
Wes Bos is a Full Stack Developer, Speaker and Teacher from Canada. He is a course creator, works as an independent web developer and is the co-host of Syntax - a popular web development podcast. Wes has taught over 500 students in 200+ classes and spoken at dozens of conferences around the world. Wes wrote his own bio in the third person for some reason.
Wes is the author of React For Beginners, Advanced React and GraphQL, ES6 for Everyone and Learn Node which together have sold over 55,000 copies. He is also the author of JavaScript30.com, CSSGrid.io, Flexbox.io and Command Line Power User, a set of free video series. 300,000 people have taken at least one of Wes' free video courses.
Follow @wesbosNo catch! A big thanks to Sentry for sponsoring my time to create these videos. Sentry provides JavaScript (among other languages) error tracking with the insights you need to pinpoint and fix bugs in your application. It's an invaluable tool that I use in many of my own projects and in video #17 I'll show you how to integrate it into a React application! As an added bonus, Sentry has provided me with 1,000 $50 credits that you'll get when you sign up for this course!
Use NPM and Webpack to get our local environment setup for development.
Let's talk about what needs to happen in terms of React.js components and layout.
Use React to create the two main components in our React app - Single and PhotoGrid.
Integrate React Router to handle page changes into our React app
Let's start talking about Redux and how we will create a Store to hold our data.
Before we can update our store, we need to learn about what actions are.
Reducers handle the updating of our state in our store and are a fundamental concept in Redux.
Let's get everyone on the same page and let React Router know about our store.
How does the Reducer update state? What is it's job?
We already learned about actions, how can we then dispatch these actions to allow the reducer to update our state?
Let's take a break from actions, action creators and reducers for a second a see how we can pull our state into the components at the level we wish.
Once the action has been dispatched, we can use reducers to update our state.
We already are displaying a list of photos, but what about when you click through to the Single photo component?
Let's pull in the data from our other store and display it there.
Once the comments are displayed, how can we add new comments and delete existing ones?
When your state gets a little complicated, it's best to use composition to narrow down the peice of state you are trying to update.
How do you get info on errors that happen in the browser of your user? We integrate Sentry intro our application to track errors and get context on what happened.
Hot reloading is like live reload, but for your JavaScript!
Learn all about the power of the Redux dev tools to inspect and time travel with your actions.
You did it! Your first Redux application - what should you learn next?
Learn Redux (https://t.co/WZ0mUOiBBA) by @wesbos is AMAZING!
— Matheus Lima (@matheusml) May 17, 2016
So thankful @jennschiffer tweeted out the video series at https://t.co/i4ha0alRHO by @wesbos, it finally let redux click for me
— Bread unslicer (@JohnFrimmel) May 17, 2016
I'm learning Redux with @wesbos https://t.co/wBAv2q9A9D
— sachin (@sachitaware21) May 16, 2016
You come up with great stuff.Learning from him is a cakewalk through technology
React for beginners is one of the best React tutorials out there now it's time for Redux! https://t.co/myNL54neE5 @wesbos
— John Ferrie (@johnferrie) May 16, 2016